What is the Toolbox?
The Toolbox is a small compendium in order to help people to start their life with Jesus. You will find a little roadmap for taking the next steps and practical suggestions to enter into a personal, lively and exciting relationship with Jesus. This booklet you can always carry with you, no matter whether in print or electronic form. It contains links to resources supporting your quest of growing in Christ, like bible apps or videos. You will be introduced to some popular bible translations, reading plans and other helpful, creative thoughts and inspirations for spending time with God.
While the Young Kickstart course is most effective when worked through in a small group setting, the Toolbox will assist you in developing your very personal relationship with God. Therefore, it can be seen as a complement for the Young Kickstart course.
Web Edition (PDF)
This file is available as download for free. Can be viewed on smartphone, tablet or PC.
Print Template (PDF)
Because of distribution costs and missing logistics I would like to make a print template (PDF) available to you. Then you can print your own edition of any size for your church or ministry via online printing company. Most of the time this is much more affordable than shipping printed copies. If adaptions need to be made, please contact me via email.
file format: PDF (RGB, A6)
file format: PDF (CMYK, A6 + 3mm margin, 1200 dpi)